Holly macaroni wat een haaruitval heb ik sinds de bevalling van mijn dochter Lola, ik kan er zo een muts van breien! Heb jij dat ook? Klinkt dit herkenbaar of ben ik echt de…
I found this Tag at a Maaike’s blog. I really liked hers and I have re-blogged it here: Vital Stats: Name – Janske Nicknames – Jans, Jansy, Jansyluvzu, Dutch, Jetski Birthday – 1 January…
Want to get to know me a little better? Bold = what applies to me: I’m loud. I’m sarcastic. I cry easily. I have a bad temper. I’m easy to get along with. I…
This is a picture of me, which my boyfriend made a few weeks ago while he was practicing with his camera. The special effect looks very funny, esp. because I was holding my hair…
Name: Pretty Little Liars Year: 2010 – now Seasons: 2 (45 episodes) Genre: Mystery/Drama/Thriller Stars: ***** (out of *****) Similar TV Series: The Lying Game Since last week I’ve been watching all the episodes…