Andere bloggers zullen het wel herkennen, de meest vreemde hilarische zoektermen van bezoekers. Mensen die door die bepaalde zoekterm op jouw blog terecht zijn gekomen. Dit zijn vijf van mijn gekste zoektermen die ik…
#100happydays About Me Concert Picture Challenge Uncategorized
#100HappyDaysChallenge – Day 42 / 43 / 44
In a few days me and two friends are going on our road trip through the East Coast of the USA to follow our favorite band Backstreet Boys on their ‘In A World Like…
A few weeks ago me and my friends found out that out favorite boys as in THE Backstreet Boys would come to London for a short stay to promote their new album In A…
Here’s a very nice Christmas song that I would like to share with all of you to get into the Christmas spirits: [youtube=] It’s the latest song by my favorite band, the Backstreet Boys.…
Artist: Backstreet Boys & New Kids On The Block Support act: Neverest, A Friend In London Date: April 20th until May 14th, 2012 Venue: Several venues in Europe City: Belfast,Dublin,London (x2), Rotterdam, Antwerp, Stuttgart,…