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6 Months Of Heaven And Hell

27 februari 2014

Today I’m celebrating my 6-Months mark in my pregnancy. I can’t believe how fast time flies by! Only three more Months to go until we will finally meet our new best friend in life!

Welcome to Hell..

The Bump

The Bump

The past few weeks have given me a few highs and lot’s of lows…Last week I went to see my doctor, the gynaecologist and a dermatologist for my skin infection. During my check up they checked me out and also did a ultrasound of my baby..Thank God she was doing fine. They subscribed me new meds, for the itching and to help to get rid of the infection. But during the last week the itching got much worse because the infection spread all over my body. Even to a point where my bf and I can’t even share the same bed since I am awake all night because of all the itching.

So today my dermatologist called me back and decided together with my gynaecologist that I have to use ‘pretnisolon’ for a week…It kind of scares me because it’s not a very good medicine for pregnant women…so it makes me nervous.

On top of all those fun experiences I found out last night that I have the hemorrhoids…Joy! Like this wasn’t enough! Arghhh, I keep getting stressed about this, have no sleep, my whole body itches all day long and I have to try to stay relaxed…

Normally I’m always quite positive and I’ve promised myself to experience this pregnancy as positive as possible…But this way it’s getting kind of impossible for me..

Tears tears tears…why can’t I just enjoy being pregnant? It’s so hard to focus on the good side of this..

c081e389ffc4f51d0578dae53b5b5f48A little Bit Of Heaven…

Luckily I also had some nice moments these past few weeks, my boyfriend could feel the baby kick for the first time, what a great moment! We also celebrated our 9 years anniversary yesterday and I spend a whole day at a baby Fair with some friends.

So, hopefully next update will bring some positive news, because I’m done with this SH*T…for real..I want to enjoy this special time in my life…please say it will feel like heave soon…

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  • indiequeen84 27 februari 2014 at 21:58

    Oh noes! That sucks hun… I hope as well that you’ll feel better soon.

    • jansyluvzu 27 februari 2014 at 22:19

      Thanks sweetie!