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Baby Adventures – It’s A Girl!

12 januari 2014
Our Yummy cupcakes with the pink coloring inside

Our Yummy cupcakes with the pink coloring inside

Two days ago we finally had our 20-weeks ultrasound to check if our baby was healthy and growing the way he or she should…and we found out that everything was ok and working the way it should be…such a relief!

We also found out that we are having a baby GIRL!! We are both super excited since we were both secretly hoping for our first child to be a she and we were over the moon when the specialist told us she could see for sure that she was a girl!



Yesterday we also had a very exciting day…we finally had a big housewarming party / birthday party and we could share the big news with our friends and family! We had some custom made cupcakes which revealed the gender of our unborn baby when people took a big bite out of it. It was fun to see everyone’s face when the surprising moment revealed that it’s a girl…and the cupcakes also tasted delicious!Yum!



I can’t wait to start decorating and buying girly themed stuff, even though I’m not a big girly-girl type…so that should be quite interesting to see what I’ll be buying.

So everyone who expected our baby to be a girl…you were right! If you’ve expected it to be a boy…maybe next time…hihi…

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