About Me Baby Adventures My Adventures This Is It

A New Life…We’re So Excited!

24 november 2013

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI’m sooo excited to finally announce the best news I’ve ever hoped for…I’m pregnant! Aaaahhhhh!! It’s still very surreal for me and I can’t believe it’s finally happening! I’m a little over 12 weeks pregnant now and I thought it was about time to share this great news with the rest of the world!

I’ve been having a rough couple of Months so far…feeling sick, tired and having heartburn for so many days…but it’s ALL worth it in the end and it keeps getting better!

During the next couple of Months I would like to blog about my pregnancy and everything that comes with this amazing adventure so I can enjoy it after and everyone else can join me for the ride aΒ  little bit…

I’ve seen our baby twice now on a ultrasound and he/she looked like he/she was chilling in a hammonk with her/his arms behing her/his head and her/his legs crossed…sooo cute!

And most importantly…the baby seems to be doing great so far!

Can’t wait to meet the little peanut πŸ™‚

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  • karinmeerbeauty 24 november 2013 at 13:59

    En nog een keer gefeliciteerd!!! Ben zo blij voor jullie! Leuk dat je je ‘progress’ bij gaat houden! Zie je niet zo heel vaak, maar dan blijf ik toch up to date πŸ™‚

    • jansyluvzu 24 november 2013 at 14:13

      Super leuk hè. .. We zijn zooo blij. .. Hihi thanks lief!

  • AWildDog 24 november 2013 at 18:29

    Congratulations hunny! xx

    • jansyluvzu 24 november 2013 at 21:23

      Thanks babe!

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