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Enjoying The Simple Things In Life

29 juli 2013

2If Tomorrow Never Comes

People always complain about so many things like the weather, their weight, money and all kinds of different things…I admit that I sometimes find myself doing the exact same thing. It’s such a waste of precious time…that precious time that we never know how much we will have…


Whenever people get sick or we loose people too early in life we get reminded about how short our lives can be…that’s why I want to live in the moment, live today…because who knows if my tomorrow will come? Share your love for your family and friends…smile at that person that walks across the street…It doesn’t hurt to be nice and share a smile or tell someone how much you love them.

Whenever I talk about this people sometimes think that I’m being over sentimental, but I just wish that everyone could love their life as much as they can. We can’t take everything for granted and we don’t know if we will be able to make all our dreams come true…


A Second Chance

When I was 22 I was in a very bad accident which could have been my final destination in my young life…I had soooo much luck to survive and it gave me the biggest gift of all..continuing my life. After that I realized that in that split second it all could have ended right there…but instead I’m getting another chance in life…it just wasn’t my time to go yet.


Now it’s been over 8 years and after that day I’ve been celebrating my life and I can honestly say that if I will die tomorrow that I’m very happy and satisfied with the life that I have lived. I’ve LIVED…

Don’t get me wrong…I’m not even close to being done here and I DON’T want to die yet…I have soooo many dreams and goals in life that I would love to see happening…but I’m so happy that about where I am in my life. I wish all of you could feel the same.

6I most definitely try to enjoy the little things in life, a breeze of fresh air, the trees turning green in the spring, a smile on someones face, a beautiful song or a hug from a friend…they don’t have to be miracles to make me happy…

Whenever things happen that aren’t great or even really bad I try to think about all the great things in life, because there are soo many great things…and it’s such a waste of this precious time to worry about all the bad things in life…


Stay positive, hug a friend, enjoy today because tomorrow is a gift….

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