Concert I Love Music My Adventures Review Uncategorized Video

Concert Review – Train

27 februari 2013
Pat having a hard time singing

Pat having a hard time singing

Artist:Train * Support act: Gin Wigmore * Date: February 24th, 2013 * Venue: 013 * City: Tilburg, Netherlands * Genre: Pop/Rock * Photos / Videos by: Me * Stars: 7 (out of 10)

Been a fan since 2001

One of my favorite bands since 2001 has been Train. I just fell in love with their song ‘Drops Of Jupiter’ and couldn’t stop listening to their album. It is still one of my all time favorites and I have been fortunate to have seen them in concert several times through the years. Last weekend they came back to Holland for their final show of the European tour and I just had to see them.

Gin Wigmore

Gin Wigmore

The concert was totally sold out and it was great that they played in such a small venue for ‘only’ 2200 fans. I went there early (by myself) so I could get a spot at the front row which is the best view and relaxing with a fence right in front of you. When I arrived there were only a hand full of fans (from all over Europe) and a few people I’ve met before at Train concerts. We’ve all managed to get a front row spot and we were happy to be inside, since it was snowing and freezing outside.



Black Sheep

Gin Wigmore was opening tonight’s show.The singer from New Zeeland has a very cool smokey voice which reminded me of Amy Winehouse. She played a big drum and guitar and brought a cool bunch of male band members with her. Her songs like ‘Man Like That’ and ‘Black Sheep’ were very jazzy and bluesy which brought a cool vibe to the show. She was definitely something else. A great charismatic performance which was a great way to support Train.

Pat playing the saxophone

Pat playing the saxophone

Poor Pat

Then it was time for Train to break a leg. They even brought some extra musicians and two female backup singers with them. As soon as the song ’50 Ways To Say Goodbye’ started we could see and hear that singer Pat Monahan looked like he was having a hard time. He told us that he was feeling sick and hardly had a voice left but he didn’t want to cancel the show tonight. It was quite sad to see him suffer but he still managed to sing most of the notes right. He even sang the song ‘Feels Good At First’ A-Capella with his last breath. Poor Pat. Because they wanted to make it up to the fans they threw lot’s of signed T-shirts in the audience and also signed lyrics.

Me & Pat

Me & Pat

Marry Me

They played a lot of songs from their new latest album ‘California 37’ but also some oldies like ‘Meet Virginia’. When they played ‘Mermaid’ Pat took about 25 females on stage to sing with him and being his mermaids for the night. When they played ‘Marry Me’ Pat jumped off the stage to take pictures with the fans at the front row while singing the song. Luckily I managed for him to take a picture with him which actually turned out quite nice.

Signing Shirts after the show

Signing Shirts after the show

Even though Pat’s voice wasn’t like we would want it to sound like the concert was still good. Highlights of the night were the songs ‘Bruises’, a duet with Gin Wigmore (video) and of course ‘Drops Of Jupiter’.

Find me (Pat took this pic)

Find me (Pat took this pic)

My opinion:

I still had a great time at the concert even though it was a unexpected night with not the sound that I’ve wish to hear at a Train concert. But with all the extra effort and love for the audience I soon forgot about his voice and had a great night.

Hopefully Pat will feel better soon and like he promised he will be back soon to take another shot. If you’re living in the USA, make sure to go see Train , The Script & Gavin DeGraw at their combined tour this summer! I wish I could!

Here are some videos I’ve made during the concert:

Bruises – Train ft. Gin Wigmore


Feels Good At First A-Capella


Watch more videos I’ve made here

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