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A Sad Goodbye

5 december 2012

goodbyeBeginning vs. Endings

When new beginnings arrive most of the time there will be endings on the road. We make choices every day and some of them are really big choices and change your life. Because I’ve got my new job I had to say goodbye to my old jobs.

One of them was one of my favorite jobs I’ve ever had as a Project leader at a big summercamp for the last 3 summers. I’ve had the most fantastic time and learned so much during these past three summers. I’ve met some amazing people and had the best time seeing the kids having so much fun and grow every year.

It didn’t really hit me until yesterday, when I officially told everyone about my big change and said my official goodbyes to my summercamp family. It makes me so sad when I realise that I’m not going to be back there next summer. I’ll miss all the hard work, the fun, the kids, the counselors,the laughs…just everything!

Thanks to everyone who was a part of these 3 years, I’ve had a blast! Thanks for the great  memories!

Here are some pictures I’ve made through the years that I really like. Enjoy! Thanks You!

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