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My Battle Update – Week 34

20 oktober 2012

I’m Still Here

Wow, it’s been almost 4 months since my last update in June. A lot has happened since then. I’ve been working as a project leader at a summer camp in July and since then I’ve been working many extra hours at work. In the weekends I’ve been visiting all kinds of great festivals (with mostly fastfood only) and we’ve finally managed to sell our apartment.

Right now I’m focussing on finding a new home and trying to get a new job at work. These are busy and stressful times which didn’t give me enough time and inspiration to really work out or focus on my diet battle. I know it’s not a good excuse but I just really need my free time to relax my mind and body to stay focused when I’m working.

Better Choices

Luckily my scale has been alright to me, I didn’t gain any weight. Unfortunately I didn’t really loose any weight also. So there’s still a lot of work to do. I have good days and bad days when it comes to my food habits. I do try to be more creative when it comes to making diner and not go for the easy unhealthy stuff. It’s sometimes difficult when I’m grocery shopping after a long work day when I’m super hungry. It’s just so easy to pick something you can just put into a microwave and it’s ready in a couple of minutes. I try to not take it easy and pick the healthier choice.

I also went to this fashion presentation by this famous fashion advisor called Dyanne . She gave some good advice on being happy with yourself and how to dress easily and sophisticated. I really liked her view on clothing and she was very inspiring. I did some shopping recently for the upcoming wedding of my sister and I bought some really cute dresses which made me feel really good about myself. I can’t wait to wear them!

Get Back On Track

For now I need to get back to better choices so I will feel even better and I can be who I want to be. But it only works when I get focussed. But when I have too many things in my head it’s no fun and it’s much to handle. So for now I’m trying my best and sometimes need to push harder.

These are my result so far:

Starting Weight: 104.4 Kgs / 229,7 Lbs

Weight after 34 weeks: 103.4 Kgs

Feeling: stay away from the bad stuff, make the healthy choices!

All pictures I’ve made from the food I ate at work. They were all delicious, some vego, some meat.

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  • Michelle 20 oktober 2012 at 20:54

    Wauw really good your trying. I’m started losing weight in june and since then I lost 7 kgs, but now I’m a little bit stuck. Not gaining weight, but not losing either. This week I wanna start again with making better and healthier choices. I hope I can do it again.

    • jansyluvzu 20 oktober 2012 at 22:07

      7 kgs is great! Keep up the good work! Let me know how it’s going!