Bye Bye Summertime…
I can’t believe summer is already over! And what a summer it has been! I have been working so many hours in the last few months and also having a great time at festivals, concerts and other great events!
I’ve been working at the most amazing summer camp in Holland for four weeks, and also been working extra hours at work at the Public information desk at work.
Between the busy weeks most weekends were filled with fun activities like all the great festivals I’ve been to. (Check out all my reviews here)
Welcome Autumn…
Now Autumn has arrived and it will probably bring me some big new changes which I’m really excited for! Lot’s of work and many great adventures ahead!( I’ll keep you posted on these soon)
I’m super excited ands curious about what the last 4 months of 2012 will bring me before I’ll hit the BIG 30 on January 1st.
All good things ahead which makes me happy! I love exciting new things every once in a while, it keeps me fresh and happy.
Back to blogging…
Because of the busy days this summer I haven’t been blogging as much s I’d wanted to and I can’t wait to make more posts on my blog on a daily basis. I really want to get back to my challenges and Diet Battle so let’s do this!
So stay around and I’ll be back with lot’s of new post this autumn! Thanks for hanging in there!
All Pictures Are Made By Marco Smeets