About Me I Love Uncategorized Video

Happily Ever After

7 juni 2012

I still had no idea this was the real deal

Like a fairytail…

I’m engaged. I was one of those lucky girls who had an amazing proposal. My boyfriend took me to Seaworld and while we were training the dolphins in the water one of the dolphins gave me a message in a bottle. when I Opened it the message said ‘Will You Marry Me’. My boyfriend got down on his knee (while we were both in the water) and ask me to marry him. Until that  very second I had no idea this was even a proposal and I was totally shocked!

then he went down on one knee

The people from SeaWorld all knew his plan and played along and took many pictures of us. Ofcourse I said yes and during the rest of the day I was walking on clouds. I am so thankful for him for doing this for me. I never thought I would be so lucky!

Here’s a video I’ve found on one of the most amazing wedding proposals ever! It made me teary throughout the whole video, so sweet!

Get your tissues ready and watch this amazing proposal:


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