About Me Blog Challenge I Love Top 5 Challenge Uncategorized

Blog Challenge Day 21 – Top 5 Favorite Holidays

30 april 2012

These are my top 5 favorite holidays:

Queensday in Amsterdam

1. Queensday

Today it’s my favorite holiday. We celebrate our queens birthday today. Our country color is orange so everyone will be dressed in orange today. It’s not her real birthday, but we always celebrate it on April 30th.

2. New Year’s Day

I love New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day because It’s my Birthday on January 1st. So I get to celebrate it twice! Alle the fireworks, the countdown, the happyness…It almost feels like it’s just for my birthday.

3. Christmas

A great time to spend time with your family. Give each other presents and eat lot’s of food. I love it when it’s snowing outside, it makes the picture complete.

me & Lianne @ Halloween

4. Halloween

A great party to dress up and act stupid. Unfortunately we don’t celebrate it that big in Holland. I loved celebrating it in the USA. They party for like a whole month in Halloween style, I love it!

5. Birthday

My Birthday is one of my favorite Holidays. I celebrate another year with my friends and it’s nice to see everyone again.

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