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Blog Challenge Day 12 – Top 5 Favorite Diner

21 april 2012

Here is my top 5 of my favorite diner meals. They are not very healthy, but VERY tasty if you ask me! So I will be honest and pick my 5v favorites, even though they’re not good for me.

1. Pizza

Pizza never gets old. I love pizza esp. with fresh ingredients like mushrooms,extra cheese,ham,sausage,unions and sometimes an egg. When I was living in Myrtle Beach we ate a lot of Papa John’s pizza and I loved those! Can’t wait to eat one again! I also make pizza myself sometimes including all ingredients.

2. French Fries with Burger

Hmmmm… Fast food…in restaurants I sometimes even order this because I love eating a good burger with fries. I could  eat that almost everyday…but of course I won’t!

3. Pancakes (Dutch ones)

I can make really yummy Dutch pancakes, they are thin pancakes somewhere between French Crepes and American pancakes. I make them with apples in them or cheese and bacon. I just love pancakes!

4. Steak

My favorite meat is a good juicy steak (medium). I don’t like to eat a lot of meat or fish, but steaks I love. I even once ate kangaroo steak and it tasted very nice.

5. Pasta

I should live in Italy when it comes to food. I love a good Italian pasta. Bologna or cheese flavor, I love them both.

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