Yesterday, March 30th 2012
9PM – Working
I was at work, had a nice diner there and it was a very relaxing shift.
10.15 PM – Finished working
I left work and drove home on my bicycle. It was chilly outside.
10.30 PM – Home Sweet Home
Enjoying some relaxing time after work and a whole day of cleaning our apartment.
10.45 -11 PM – Made some Muffins
Because I craved for them and we had a open house the next day I’ve made some naturel Muffins and some with cocos and chocolate. Yummy!
12.00 PM Time for bed
00.30 AM Finally fell asleep
Today, March 31st 2012
9.45 AM Wake Up
9.50 AM Shower time
10 – 11 AM Making Our Apartment Ready
We’ve put up posters and flags to show people that we have an open house today.
11 AM – 3 PM Open House
We’ve waited and waited, waited and waited….but NOONE showed up to watch our apartment…It was a national open house day and still noone took the effort to visit our amazing apartment.
3 PM – 6 PM Nap Time
I was exhausted and I have to work a long night shift tonight, so I took a long nap.
6 PM – Diner
We had some (very bad) French Fries and some Dutch fried snacks. Hmmmm.
7.30 PM – Grocery shopping
We went grocery shopping for the next couple of days.
8 PM – Now – Watching TV
I’m relaxing and watching TV, and in a few hours I leave for work.
It’s hard to wake up today, but let’s go!
Drukke 24 uur gehad zeg! Werk ze zometeen nog.
X maaike
valt best mee..hihi thanks!