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Blog Challenge Day 7 – My Worst Habit

14 maart 2012

My worst habit is that I can never sit still. Even when I am sleeping I have to switch sides every half an hour. It’s so very annoying. I just have to move. I don’t know if many people do that too, but I think it isn’t very normal.

Also when I’m on the phone I’m walking a half marathon through the apartment.

I have many other habits but this is probably the worst one.

Do you have any habits? What’s your worst one?

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  • Elvira Jorge aka curvy elvie 15 maart 2012 at 04:46

    You got a couple of hours? I don’t think your habits are so bad. But, every half hour? You must not really be a deep sleeper.

    • jansyluvzu 15 maart 2012 at 10:55

      Yeah, sometimes even more. And I’m awake every time i move myself. I also hear everything around me so i wake up too easily. it sucks…

  • marco 17 maart 2012 at 17:09

    Maybe you can phone every evening a couple of hours? free sports! But I do not think our neighbors below would like it when you walking 🙂

    • jansyluvzu 17 maart 2012 at 17:11

      hihi…I know right..free fitness 🙂 (only if I can call for free though)