Support acts: Nina Nesbitt & Passenger
Date: March 12, 2012
Venue: Melkweg
City: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Stars: 8 (out of 10)
Photos by:
Similar Artists: Daniel Bedingfield
The concert of Ed Sheeran of last night was already sold out for ages. I’ve entered many contests to win tickets, and guess what…I was one of the lucky few who had won 2 guestlist tickets! Yay! I took my boyfriend with me to the concert and during the day we spent some relaxing time in Amsterdam, went to a photograph museum, dinner and at night to the concert.
The line outside the venue was super long with mostly young teenager Ed Sheeran fanatics. They made me feel old, hihi. Once we finally got inside (the woman at the boxoffice took some time to find my name on the guestlist) we found a nice spot on the balcony and watched all the fans run inside and push eachother against the stage, while they had enough space behind them. It reminded me of my first concerts when everyone had fainted even before anyone took the stage because we were all pushing ourselves to the front row.
Ed had two support acts with him on tour. The cute young girl Nina Nesbitt and amazing singer-songwriter called Passenger. First Nina sang her songs while she played on her accoustic gitar. She didn’t really touch me that much, while the fans in the first few rows seemed to love her every move. It was probably their first concert. I used to love everything when I was at my first concerts too but now I know that it wasn’t all that amazing.
The second support act was Passenger. A charming young guy with a voice that sounded like Simon Garfunkel and other great musicians. He played a funny song about all the things he hates and everyone sang along. His voice is very nice and definitely a great support act. We don’t want him to stop singing.
Because this was the final show of his European tour and he didn’t have a curfew for showtime he played for over 2 hours straight. He kept saying what an amazing crowd we were and I must admit that we were pretty damn loud. The admosphere was great and this was a night most of us won’t forget very fast.
Good: Ed is a true musical talent and he can get really big. He knows how to entertain a audience for 2 hours while he only has got one album out.
Bad: He should focuss a little more on singing his songs than all the interaction with his fans and just do what we want him to do and that’s sing his great songs.
Here are a few videos we’ve made during the concert:
Passenger – Funny song:
Ed Sheeran & Passenger – Duet:
Ed Sheeran – Beautiful Song:
Ed Sheeran – Grade 8 with Audience:
You made the whole concert experience come alive; thank you.
Oh wow. You made me re live this magical night. Thanks!
can we try to be a little more positive? please! Passenger and ed sheeran is like a dream come true there can be no negatives to a concert like that!!!!!!
P.S. what you’ve entitled the ‘funny song’ is actually ‘I hate’
I think I was really positive…and it’s my own review so I write my OWN experience, I don’t write it ‘more positive’ then I thought it was…And were you at the concert? I told exactly how it was 🙂