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Movie Review – Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

8 maart 2012

Name: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

Year: 2012

Actors: Thomas Horn, Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock

Genre: Drama, Mystery, Adventure

Stars: ***** (out of *****)

This movie is a heartbreaking and also heart warming story about a 11year old adventures boy named Oskar (Thomas Horn) who looses his father Thomas (Tom Hanks) on September 11 in the World Trade Center. He finds this mysterious key within his father’s belongings and goes on a hunt through New York City to find out where the key belongs to. He’s a very smart kid who likes to discover new things but he also has a lot of things that he’s very afraid of.

He faces the fact that he will never see his father again and on his journey he meets many different people who listen to his story and they all give him something to take with him through life.

It’s a heartbreaking story but also makes you think. The little Oskar is amazingly talented and is already a great actor. He perfectly suits his role. The movie is shot beautifully and the story couldn’t be told more perfectly. Simply a beautiful movie.

Watch the trailer of this movie:


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