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Happy Birthday Oreo!

6 maart 2012

Oreo cookie celebrates their 100th birthday today. Can’t believe people already had the pleasure to eat them for 100 years!

I got introduced to the Oreo cookie around 10 years ago I believe. They didn’t sell them in Holland before that, at least not in our local grocery store. I really looooove Oreo cookies, esp the original flavor and the vanilla ones. I also LOOOOOOOVE Oreo Icecream…ohhlalalaaaa..I’m so happy that they don’t sell that here…because it wouldn’t be good for my diet. I honestly don’t eat Oreo’s very often because I know how much Calories they have. They are little caloriebombs! But when I look at these pictures I can’t stop drooling.


They even made a special website to celebrate the 100th Birthday.



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  • Mindy 7 maart 2012 at 10:05

    Owh brr. .ik vind die zoo vies he, vooral t idee dat je er zulke zwarte tanden van krijgt

    • jansyluvzu 7 maart 2012 at 10:20

      dat vind ik het enigste nadeel van die koekjes..maar hmmmm…jammie!