About Me Picture Challenge Uncategorized

Picture Challenge – Day 4 – Your Mailbox

6 februari 2012

So today’s Picture Challenge makes it very personal, my mailbox. As you can see it’s hard to take a picture of a computer screen,Β  took this picture with my Samsung Galaxy S Smartphone, because it looks better than the picture I took with my good camera.

As you can see my mailbox is pretty organized. I try to answer emails as soon as possible and organize them all into different groups ad labels so I can find everything easily. I also try to keep it as empty as I can because I hate it when my mailbox is so full. I also kept some important old mails in there as you can see, about things I have to check out, or fun things.

Right now I have some emails about my VIP and radioshow for wednesday with Gavin DeGraw in it aswell as my emails with Case Mayfield for my party this Saturday. Also some things for work and things i’ve bought or sold online. I think it looks like a regular mailbox, don’t you think.

How about yours? Is it organized or one big mess?

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