It’s a big day for me and my boyfriend today. Today we’ve finally put our apartment for sale.We’ve been living here for 5 years now and we were planning on staying only 3 years. So far it has been amazing living here, because its a great apartment and it’s close to the center of the city, so perfect for us. But now we really want to move to a bigger house so we will have enough room to hopefully start a family together. Big plans for the future, but for now first we have to sell this apartment so we can buy another amazing home.
I am super excited and I wonder how long it will take us before we will sell it.
This is where you can find our apartment online:
Our Apartment on
Our Apartment on
I’m going to try to promote it as much as I can though social media and can use all the help we can get from everyone (retweets,sharing and stuff) So I’m sorry for spamming, but we need your help. The housingmarket these days isn’t moving very fast, so it might take months to sell…that’s why I would like to add a Poll to see how fast everyone thinks our apartment will sell. And afterwards we can check out who was the closest. Sounds fun, right.
Please vote at my Poll: [polldaddy poll=5906031]
Here are some pictures from our apartment:
I just want to compliment you on the pictures and the way your home looks. This def. looks sale worthy. Good luck.
thanks! My boyfriend made all the pictures, I did most of the styling π Usually our apartment looks more cosy with more stuff in it, but to make it look more spacious we took a lot of things/furnature out.
You’re apartment looks almost like a hotel! It looks great. Good luck selling it, I hope you find the home you are looking for.
thanks babe π hopefully a hotel with enough stars π